Last Updated: 6/14/2005; 1:16:11 PM.

Wireless & WiFi Networking, Products, Services, and Consulting

 Monday, October 27, 2003

More connections at A Cup of Joe!
As of this weekend, there are new Ethernet connections that have been installed at A Cup of Joe, increasing the places that you can sit, enjoy a good cup of coffee, and cruise the Internet with your laptop.

A Cup of Joe, located at 353 West 200 South in Salt Lake City, was one of the first locations to open. They offer a broad range of fresh roasted coffees and a number of other treats. In addition, they host a range of meetings and gatherings from the local art community.

The upgrade this weekend added new Ethernet jacks near the front windows looking out to 200 South, and new Ethernet jacks on the wall to the right of the cash register counter. All of these are 10/100Mbps Ethernet connections, and add to the existing Ethernet support and 802.11b wireless access.

Stop in, bring your laptop, and give it a try!

Posted by Webmaster at 10:04:53 AM     

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